Construction of the S&CR: Contemporary accounts relating to the Langwathby area

Penrith Observer - Tuesday 19 July 1870

RAILWAY EMPLOYES' SUPPER AT LONGWATHBY. - In honour of the important event of cutting the first sod of the Settle and Carlisle Railway in the neighbourhood of Longwathby, Messrs. Eckersly, Bayliss, and Co., contractors, on Thursday last[1] entertained the workmen in their employ, to the number of upwards of 40, to an excellent and substantial supper at the house of Mr. Oldcorn, the Shepherds Inn, at Longwathby. The spread was replete in all its appointments, and did the utmost credit to the worthy host and hostess, whose hospitality and uniform kindness to rich and poor alike, have won for them general esteem. Messrs. Eckersley and Bayliss were present during the evening. The after proceedings, which were pleasant and orderly throughout, were kept up until a late hour.

Carlisle Express and Examiner - Saturday 23 July 1870

The Midland Railway Company gave all their men on the works at Longwathby a substantial supper at Mr. Oldcorn’s, Shepherd’s Inn, on Friday July 15th[1], on the event of cutting the first sod. Ample justice was done to the roast beef and plum pudding, and the tables being cleared, nut-brown ale and punch were placed before them, and toast and song were the order of the evening.

Penrith Observer - Tuesday 19 October 1875

SCAFFOLD ACCIDENT AT LONGWATHBY.- On Thursday last the rope supporting a scaffold used in the erection of the new railway station at Longwathby, gave way, and three of the workmen fell a distance of fifteen feet. Two of the men grabbed hold of the loose cross stones in the wall and dragged them along with them. Jos. Storey had his shoulder fractured, and the other two labourers were shaken.


[1] There appears to be a conflict between the day / date information provided in these two contemporary accounts (Thursday vs. Friday). Web-based calendars confirm that July 15 was a Friday in 1870. Other than that, we've not been able to find any additional contemporary accounts or other reliable records to support or contradict either date.

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