Contributors (Acknowledgements)
The following individuals and organisations have kindly provided practical assistance, images, information and / or memories as part of the SCRCA Project.
This list is provided as an acknowledgement. Without the generous support of these individuals and organisations, the Settle-Carlisle Railway Conservation Area (SCRCA) web-portal would not be the invaluable resource that it has become. Thank-you one and all.
- Alan Atkinson
- Alan Bishop
- Andrew Kidd (Courtesy of Network Rail)
- Anthony (Tony) Freschini
- Bob Swallow / The Bob Swallow Collection
- British Rail (a.k.a. British Railways)
- Carlisle City Council
- Christopher Rule
- Colin Brading
- Craig Tomlinson
- Creative Imagineers Ltd
- Cumbria Image Bank / Carlisle Library
- Cumbrian Railways Association (CRA)
- Dave Freer
- Dave Harris
- David J. O'Farrell
- David Singleton
- David Tyson
- Friends of the Settle-Carlisle Line
- Historic England
- James Powell
- Jamie Guest
- Jeff Mander
- John A. Harrison
- John Alsop / John Alsop Collection
- John Taylor
- Keith Nunns
- Keith Preston
- Maisie Wise
- Mark R. Harvey
- Mark Rand
- Martin Hedley
- Midland Railway Society
- Midland Railway Study Centre (MRSC)
- Mrs Nancy Edmondson
- National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey
- National Railway Museum
- Network Rail
- Nigel J. Mussett / The Nigel Mussett Collection
- Nigel Lester
- Northern (T.O.C.)
- Ordnance Survey
- Paul Jordan
- Paul Turner
- Peter Ainsworth
- Peter G. Davies
- Railway Correspondence and Travel Society (RCTS)
- Railway Heritage Trust
- Ray Bracewell
- Richard J. A. Tinker
- Richard Morris
- Rod Warrington
- Roy F. Burrows Midland Collection Trust
- Ruth Evans
- Sarah Lister, Settle Graveyard Project
- Settle and Carlisle Railway Trust
- Shed 24H Collection, courtesy of Stuart Dean
- Simon Pearce
- Stephen McGahon
- Steven Horsfall
- The SCRDC Collection
- University of Reading W.H. Smith Archive
- Video125 Ltd
- W.R. (Bill) Mitchell / The W.R. Mitchell Collection
- William (Bill) Fraser
- World of Stereo Views (
- Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority