The trend in the condition of the structure (Improving, Deteriorating, Stable, or Not assessed).
The trend in the condition of the structure.
- Improving: There is a visible improvement in the condition of the structure since the previous visit(s).
- Deteriorating: The condition of the structure has deteriorated since the previous visit(s). This may be due to inadequate maintenance and / or inappropriate repairs / alterations, fire, vandalism, etc. Relevant details are to be included in the 'Additional notes / comments' section of the Assessment Report.
- Stable: The structure shows no sign of either deterioration or improvement.
- Not assessed: The trend has not yet been assessed. (This can only be done during a second or subsequent assessment.)
Important Note: The assessments conducted as part of the SCRCA Project are quick visual assessments only. They are usually carried-out from a distance and some are carried-out without a site visit using only photographs and / or video-stills). These assessments are NOT detailed structural or archaeological surveys and they must not be used or interpreted as such.