SCRCA Glossary Term: Condition Trend

Submitted by mark.harvey / Wed, 29/08/2018 - 15:52
SCRCA Glossary Term
Condition Trend
SCRCA Glossary Definition (Short version)

The trend in the condition of the structure (Improving, Deteriorating, Stable, or Not assessed).

SCRCA Glossary Definition (Extended version)

The trend in the condition of the structure.

  • Improving: There is a visible improvement in the condition of the structure since the previous visit(s).
  • Deteriorating: The condition of the structure has deteriorated since the previous visit(s). This may be due to inadequate maintenance and / or inappropriate repairs / alterations, fire, vandalism, etc. Relevant details are to be included in the 'Additional notes / comments' section of the Assessment Report.
  • Stable: The structure shows no sign of either deterioration or improvement.
  • Not assessed: The trend has not yet been assessed. (This can only be done during a second or subsequent assessment.)

Important Note: The assessments conducted as part of the SCRCA Project are quick visual assessments only. They are usually carried-out from a distance and some are carried-out without a site visit using only photographs and / or video-stills). These assessments are NOT detailed structural or archaeological surveys and they must not be used or interpreted as such.

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