SCRCA Glossary Term: Formal description

Submitted by mark.harvey / Wed, 29/08/2018 - 16:28
SCRCA Glossary Term
Formal description
SCRCA Glossary Definition (Short version)

A comprehensive description of the structure's visual appearance (covering both design and materials) using standardised / approved Network Rail and Historic England vocabulary.

SCRCA Glossary Definition (Extended version)

A comprehensive description of the structure's visual appearance (covering both design and materials) using standardised / approved Network Rail and Historic England vocabulary.

To encourage consistent and comprehensive descriptions, the standard approach adopted by listed building inspectors is strongly recommended. This uses the acronym DAMP FISHES to express the preferred order for presenting the required information where:

  • D = Date (of construction);
  • A = Architect (name etc);
  • M = Materials;
  • P = Plan;
  • F = Facade;
  • I  = Interiors (where appropriate);
  • S = Subsidiary features;
  • H = History (e.g. changes to its appearance / materials, NOT the history of its use);
  • E = Extras;
  • S = Sources.

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