SCRCA Note: Alterations to structure 281180 observed during a site visit on October 14th, 2020

Submitted by mark.harvey / Sat, 14/11/2020 - 15:19
Snippet Detail

Network Rail have carried out work on the embankment and the drainage in this area and, when photographed in October 2020, it looked significantly different to a Google Earth image from 2016. On the 2016 image, the culvert can be clearly seen outfalling into a ditch, which agrees closely with the arrangement depicted on the 1911-12 land plan. The ditch then flows into the stream that emerges from culvert 281190. The Google image also shows trees and shrubs along the slope of the embankment. These have all gone. A new filter drain has been laid along the toe of the embankment and this drain has probably intercepted culvert 281180. The remaining length of culvert appears to have been abandoned and the ditch filled in, although the end of the former ditch is visible where it meets the stream. The whole area has been tidied up and refenced with a new stile for the footpath.