The following account appeared in the 13 September 1895 edition of the Carlisle Patriot:
GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY: THE CARLISLE SHEDS. - The annual meeting of this Company was held on Tuesday in Glasgow, Sir W. R. Watson presiding. He said that the capital expenditure for the current year would be £78,023, for various objects, including the new engine sheds at Carlisle. In the net revenue account there was one item to which he desired to call their special attention. It was the payment of £4715 to the Midland Company for outlay on engine sheds at Petteril Bridge, Carlisle. These would be vacated at the end of this year. For the last twenty years they had been tenants of the Midland Railway Company at Carlisle, paying a large annual rental, and also a toll to the North-Eastern Railway Company for running over a portion of their line to get to those sheds. The accommodation there afforded had long been far short of their requirements, and as the Midland Company could allow them no more apace, they were compelled to look elsewhere, with the result that they had purchased very suitable land at Redbank, Carlisle, where they were now erecting engine sheds more in accordance with the wants of their system. The item of £4715 due to be paid when they vacated the Midland Railway premises in December recouped that Company for what remained of the expenditure made on their behalf. That outlay, with others, absorbed almost all their increased earnings, and left as the result the half-year's working net receipts £315,955, out of which they recommended a dividend of 4 per cent. The report was adopted. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr James Thompson, the respected accountant and cashier of the company, who is retiring, after 50 years' service.