SCRCA Secondary Reference: Review of Anderson & Fox (1986) for 277260

Submitted by keith.nunns /
Snippet Detail

The name “Appleby” was changed to “Appleby West” in 1952 to avoid confusion with the ex-NER station “Appleby East”.  After the NER station closed in 1962, the Midland station reverted to the original”Appleby”  in May 1968.

Figure 48 details in three parts - a, b and c - the track layout at Appleby based upon information from an LMS survey of 1946 with other information from Midland Railway surveys for 1911 and 1912.

Plate 139 is a context view looking north of Appleby station taken in May 1961. The large no 1 type main building and booking office (/location-summaries/structure-277270) is constructed of brick with stone dressing.  On the left is the Waiting Room (Up).

This is the only station on the line which is provided with a passenger footbridge (No 236A - (/location-summaries/structure-277280).  Cast-iron columns support steel-latticed girders and stepways, with timber floor and steps.  The main girder was renewed in 1902 following a mishap barely a year after erection.