SCRCA Secondary Reference: Review of Anderson & Fox (1986) for 283870

Submitted by keith.nunns /
Snippet Detail

Plate 150 is a context view from the south around the beginning of the 19th century.  This was another station with a small type building.  The goods facilities here were not extensive; the cattle dock was proposed for five wagons. 


The tall five span over bridge (Bridge No 273 - Park Wood (occupation) in the distance connects the two parts of Park Wood which was bisected by the coming of the railway.  

On the right of the image is the main station building and booking office (/location-summaries/structure-283350).  Just visible is the lie-by siding (up) (/location-summaries/structure-283450)which passed behind the northern end of the platform (see Fig 57).

On the left of the image is the waiting room on the down platform(/location-summaries/structure-283320).  North of the down platform is the lie-by siding (down)(/location-summaries/structure-283460).