Hellifield North Junction Signal Box was located at the north-west end of Hellifield station and there have been two structures with the same name.
The first signal box probably opened at around the same time as the station's exchange sidings (1st March 1880). Very little is known about this first structure, but on 25th June 1905 it closed and a replacement was opened. The purpose of both boxes was the same: to control rail traffic through the station area (in conjunction with Hellifield South Junction Signal Box) and along the 'up' & 'down' main lines between Hellifield and Long Preston station (in conjunction with signal box at the latter).
During the 1950s & '60s, the volume of goods traffic on Britain's railways declined significantly and, by the mid 1960s, the impending withdrawal of mainline steam meant that the cost of two signal boxes at Hellifield could no longer be justified. The signalling arrangements were consolidated into a single box (Hellifield South Junction SB) and the North Junction box was closed on (or shortly before) 27th March 1966.