railway stations.
A railway station is a place where passenger trains stop (or used to stop prior to closure) in order to pick-up and set-down passengers. Within the SCRCA, each railway station also had adjacent or nearby facilities for handling goods (freight), although those at Carlisle were some distance away from the passenger facilities.
The diagram (see right or below) shows the relative position of the railway stations within the SCRCA. (To view a larger version, click / tap on the thumbnail.)
Many of the most characterful and interesting structures within the Settle Carlisle Railway Conservation Area (SCRCA) are clustered around - and are directly associated with - the railway stations. Each station associated with the SCRCA originally included at least one example of most (usually all) of the following location types:
- Passenger facilities:
- Goods (frieght) facilities:
Over the course of one and a half centuries, some of these structures have been modified or replaced with newer versions and some have been removed completely. However, a significant number have survived the passage of time in a relatively unaltered form.