There is a wealth of primary source material and contemporary (or near contemporary) accounts relating to the construction of the Settle-Carlisle Railway between 1869 and 1876. Some of this material is being reviewed as part of the SCRCA Project. This page summarises (and provides links to) the resulting reviews and extracts. (For details of publications and third-party sources, see Reference sources - 1: Building the line.)
Reviews of Primary Source Material
The Midland Railway Study Centre
This repository is home to a first-class collection of documents and artefacts relating to the Midland Railway Company. The centre's volunteers have recently begun the process of digitising some of the maps, plans, drawings and other documents from the collection and we will be uploading the most important and interesting items to the SCRCA Project database as soon as their and our resouces permit. A significant number of relatively simple images from this collection have already been incorporated directly into relevant articles and location-specific snippets. These do not need separate reviews to unlock the information that they convey. However, some of the more complex images (such as plans and scale drawings) do warrant detailed descriptions to highlight features of special interest and to make the information that they contain 'discoverable' (via both site-search and third-party search engines) and 'accessible' (to everyone, including people with visual impairments). A small number of these items have already been uploaded and described and the resulting document reviews can be accessed via the following links:
- Review of contract plan "M.R. Settle to Carlisle: Contract 4 Armathwaite Station Ground" (RFB27555)
- Review of station plan "Midland Railway Hawes Junction" (RFB28274)
The National Archives (Kew)
- Mark R. Harvey has obtained high quality digital versions of five sets of scale drawings from this repository, together with a licence that allows them to be uploaded to the SCRCA Project database (albeit in a watermarked and use-restricted form). The image files and accompanying detailed descriptions are available via the links below.
- RAIL 491/629. "Harbour Contract drawings: Station buildings on Settle - Carlisle line." This catalogue entry covers four partly colour-washed sets of scale drawings depicting "generic station building elevations":
- The stone version of the standard waiting room.
Review of primary source: drawing-sac-mr-generic-waiting-room-v01-na-rail-491-629-2 - The brick version of the standard No.1 ('large') station building.
Review of primary source: drawing-sac-mr-generic-station-building-no-1-large-na-rail-491-629-3 - The brick version of the standard No.2 ('medium') station building.
Review of primary source: drawing-sac-mr-generic-station-building-no-2-medium-na-rail-491-629-4 - The stone version of the standard No.2 ('medium') station building.
Review of primary source: drawing-sac-mr-generic-station-building-no-2-medium-na-rail-491-629-5.
- The stone version of the standard waiting room.
- RAIL 491/1158. "Settle to Carlisle, bridge, tunnel and culvert drawings: Bridges nos: 48 - 94, Horton in Ribblesdale to Dent - bridge 66, no6." Due to the costs involved, only one of the drawings from this set has so far been obtained. This is a partly colour-washed scale drawing that depicts a complete side elevation of Bridge 66, Batty Moss Viaduct (a.k.a. Ribblehead Viaduct).
- RAIL 491/629. "Harbour Contract drawings: Station buildings on Settle - Carlisle line." This catalogue entry covers four partly colour-washed sets of scale drawings depicting "generic station building elevations":
- Peter G. Davies has reviewed and summarised some of the material held at this repository that relates to Contracts 1, 2, 3 and 4. Peter has a personal interest in Contract 2 (Dent Head to Kirkby Stephen) as he is the great nephew of Sir Abraham Woodiwiss (who was the contractor responsible for constructing this section of the Settle-Carlisle railway). While researching this family connection, Peter made a series of visits to the National Archives at Kew to review a variety of original sources, including indentures and Minutes of the Northern Construction Committee. With Peter's kind permission, the notes he produced during these visits are reproduced in their entirety on the following pages:
- Contract 1.
- Contract 2.
- Contract 3.
- Contract 4. This page includes a pdf attachment containing the full set of notes.
National Railway Museum (NRM)
Mark R. Harvey has reviewed and summarised the following document from this repository:
Census Returns
- Mark R. Harvey has transcribed the 'summary data' from - and compiled a list of occupations mentioned within - the 1871 Census returns for the "New Parish of Ingleton Fells".
- In 1989, the well-known author W.R. Mitchell wrote a book entitled “How they built the Settle-Carlisle railway” (published by Castleberg in 1989, reprinted in 2001). The text of this book consists almost entirely of contemporary accounts relating to the construction of the Settle-Carlisle Railway between 1869 and 1878. These accounts provide a wealth of information relating to the construction process and the lives (and deaths) of the construction workers (i.e. the navvies) and their families. On 20th March 2014, Dr Mitchell kindly granted Mark R. Harvey permission to reproduce these extracts and to upload them to the SCRCA Project database For further information and links to the relevant pages, see "How they built the Settle-Carlisle railway: A - Foreword and Introduction".
- Sarah Lister is researching and documenting the life stories of some of the people associated with the construction of the Settle & Carlisle Railway, focusing on the people who lived in the Ribblehead area and those who are buried in Settle Churchyard. Her fascinating accounts can be accessed via the "Yorkshire Dales Community Archives" website at:
As a starting point - and to quote Sarah - "Who better to set the scene than Archie Cameron, the policeman appointed to work at Batty Green. He liked a challenge.": - For a mini-biography entitled "George Gibbs, the Life of a Railway Tunneller" (telling the story of one of the 'navvies' involved in the construction of Rise Hill Tunnel), see "Biographical information for George Gibbs".
- On 16th January 2015, a Mr Daniel Hanson contacted Network Rail Limited to request "a list (either spreadsheet or PDF format) of all Bridges on Network Rail infrastructure" and Network Rail responded to that request on February 19th 2015. The spreadsheet accompanying Network Rail's response contains a 'Construction Year' for 62 of the listed bridges. For further information, see 'Review of primary source: List of Network Rail bridges supplied on 19th February 2015'.
- The historic photographs in the following articles provide a valuable insight into some of the equipment, construction methods and worksite conditions that would have been associated with the building of the Settle & Carlisle Railway:
Contemporary Accounts
- Construction of the S&CR: Contemporary accounts relating to the Langwathby area.
- Construction of the S&CR: Family life and children in the navvy settlements.
- Settle & Carlisle Railway navvies cause "revelry and riot" during a day-trip to Morecambe.
- Weather and working conditions encountered during the construction of the Settle & Carlisle Railway.
Cumberland & Westmorland Herald
Mark R. Harvey has transcribed the following reports from this source:
- 1873, 2 Aug: A brief mention of the 116 temporary huts erected along the length of the S&C to accommodate construction workers.
Lancaster Guardian
Mark R. Harvey has transcribed the following reports from this source:
- 1865, October 7th: A report that the Midland Railway Company are surveying a "New Railway Route to the North", with a brief description of the proposed route.
- 1866, May 19th: A report on the "Wharncliffe meeting" of shareholders, which sanctioned the bill to "construct railways from Settle To Hawes, Appleby, and Carlisle".
- 1866, August 11th: A report that "The Settle to Carlisle Bill" had received royal assent.
- 1870, June 4th: A report detailing how John O’Neil (a navvy from Ireland living in a hut near Winterscales) was threatened by a mob (led by a ganger named Frank Taylor) and how Mr. Ashwell successfully protected the Irishman by involving the police.
- 1870, June 25th: A report outlining "The Importance Of Navvies" to the town of Ingleton (and its tradesmen) and outlining the importance of beer to the navvies.
- 1870, July 16th: A report on a Coroner's Inquest into the death of Thomas Ball (aged 30), who drowned when the workings at Blea Moor Tunnel (near Dent Head) became flooded as a result of heavy rain during a thunderstorm.
- 1870, July 23rd: A fascinating and informative description of the Ribblehead Railway Construction Camp (plus a long-winded and rather dubious explanation of the origin of the place name 'Batty Wife Hole').
- 1870, September 3rd: A report on the death of Mrs. Powell as result of a tramway accident near the south portal of Blea Moor Tunnel, plus an account of her subsequent funeral at Chapel-le-Dale.
- 1870, November 12th: A fascinating and informative (but occasionally long-winded) account of a visit to the railway works between Settle Junction and Horton. (The article actually covers the works as far as Batty Wife Hole, but the last section has not yet been transcribed.)
- 1870, December 3rd: A brief record of an accident at Garsdale Head that resulted in the death of Joseph Jackson (a carpenter).
- 1870, December 24th: A brief record of an accident near Smardale Gill in which a 56 year old quarryman named John ?Balesill? was decapitated on the South Durham Railway between Smardale and Newbiggen (the assumption being he was run over by an railway locomotive).
- 1871, July 8th: A collection of brief reports relating to Batty Green entitled “The Small-Pox”, “Accidents To Horses”, “The Adventure Of A Settle Lady” (who visited the workings at Blea Moor), and “Battles Amongst The Navvies”.
- 1871, August 26th: Two brief reports from Batty Green. The first is a fascinating 'story' (read it and make-up your own mind!) about the navvies' response to a thunderstorm in which the "electric fluid" (lightning) struck a navvy and his horse (both survived) and ten sheep (that were less fortunate). The second is a more straightforward report about the welcome reduction in the number smallpox cases.
- 1871, September 30th: Three separate topics are covered in a single article. The first is a report on the findings of an inquest into the death of George McConnel, who was killed when he fell from a wagon on the Batty Green tramway and was crushed between the bufffers. The second is a report on the findings of an inquest into the death of David Davis, who was killed when a crane broke while lifting a three-ton block of stone at "the viaduct near Batty Green" (i.e. Ribblehead Viaduct). The third is a report on a social event for the children ("about sixty scholars") who attended the Batty Green day and Sunday schools and a follow-up event for the adults. The first part of this article provides valuable information about the special Saturday shoping trains that ran on the tramway between Blea Moor and Batty Green. The third part offers a fascinating insight into the moral values of the writer of the article and tells us that Mr. W. H. Ashwell and Mr. Vickers had "residences" on "the Settle Road". (The latter contradicts regularly expressed assumptions that the great and good all lived in the supposedly posh suburb of 'Belgravia'.)
- 1871, October 21st: This fascinating account of a visit to "the railway works on Blea Moor" includes detailed observations of the brick works and brick-making process at Batty Green, plus the construction process and progress to date for the viaducts at Batty Moss (a.k.a. Ribblehead Viaduct) and Dent Head and for Blea Moor Tunnel. It also provides a vivid account of the working and living conditions and of the experience (and perils) of a journey on the construction tramway.
- 1872, December 14th: A report on the sudden death (attributed to "heart disease") and subsequent funeral of Mr. Job Hirst (described as the "sub-contractor for Batty Moss Viaduct, the aqueduct, and all the bridges and mason work as far as the entrance to Blea Moor Tunnel") plus a report on a fire that destroyed three of the huts at the navvy settlement of Jericho on the day of his funeral. Both reports provide broader insights into navvy life.
Additional extracts from the Lancaster Guardian will be transcribed and uploaded as and when time permits.
During the mid to late nineteenth century, Frederick Smeeton Williams (a.k.a. F.S. Williams) visited a number of railway construction sites (including the Settle-Carlisle line ) and he recorded his observations and associated research in two well-regarded publications:
- "The Midland railway: its rise and progress. A narrative of modern enterprise"
Published by Strahan & Co London in 1876 - "Our Iron Roads: Their History, Construction, and Administration"
Published by Bemrose & Sons, London in 1883
Digitised version of both of these publications are available online (see Reference sources - 1: Building the line). However, in a bid to make this fascinating material more easily accessible, relevant extracts are gradually being uploaded to the SCRCA Project database. Extracts relating to the following sites and structures have already been uploaded:
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Blea Moor Tunnel
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Dandrymire Viaduct
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Dent Head Viaduct (Bridge SAC/77)
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Helwith Bridge (SAC/33)
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Langcliffe Lime Works
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Ribblehead Viaduct (Bridge SAC/66)
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Rise Hill Tunnel
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Settle Station
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for Sheriff Brow Viaduct
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for the Ribblehead - Blea Moor Tramway
- Review of F.S. Williams (1876) for the Ribblehead Railway Construction Camp
Additional extracts will be uploaded as and when time permits.
Chambers's Journal
The annual consolidated volumes of the Settle-based publication 'Chambers's Journal' contain two fascinating articles relating to the construction of the Settle-Carlisle Railway:
- "RAILWAY-MAKERS" (originally published on Saturday January 13th, 1872): An overview of the life of a navvy in general, including their typical classifications, earnings, accommodations, food & drink, morals, etc.
- "A ‘NAVVY’ BALL": (originally published on Saturday March 8th, 1873): An account of the original writer's encounter with the family who ran a 'tommy-shop' at Batty Wife Hole (the main navvy settlement at Ribblehead), complete with tales of the navvies he encountered - or heard about - during his stay.
Digitised versions of the annual volumes covering the construction period can be downloaded from:
This list of sources / research material has been compiled by Mark R. Harvey (© Mark R. Harvey).